Piano Chill: Songs Of The Beatles

Product Description

Pianist Christopher Phillips lends his gentle and imaginative touch to the iconic songs of The Beatles. PIANO CHILL is a unique series of recordings featuring heartfelt solo piano renditions of timeless pop hits of the last fifty years. The series was created for legions of fans who grew up with the iconic songs featured on each volume, who now lead busy adult lives and prefer their music a little more on the soothing side.

Our store offers a vast collection of the legendary band's merchandise, including Audio CDs, Paperbacks, Vinyls, Hardcovers, and DVDs. Whether you're a die-hard fan looking to complete your collection or a newcomer looking to discover the magic of The Beatles, you've come to the right place. Our wide range of products will take you on a journey through the legendary band's iconic discography, offering you a chance to relive their timeless music and stories. Browse through our shelves, and be prepared to be transported back to the golden era of rock and roll. Get ready to fall in love with The Beatles all over again.